
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

21 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 9

I'm grateful to be back in Wisconsin today even though it meant the inevitable return to work. I'm grateful that the weather wasn't too cold, but just on par with Utah. I'm grateful that I was able to get a number of things on my to-do list accomplished like filing for graduation (even though I didn't work on my paper like I was supposed to). I'm grateful for cold medicine, too, because I'm getting a rather large one right now. I'm grateful that tomorrow is Thursday which means there will only be 2 more work days this week. I'm grateful that Spencer made me dinner tonight and that he can even cook at all. I'm grateful that we have enough to eat, a roof over our head, and warm clothes to wear. My morning shower also reminded me how grateful I am for things like hot water as well because we forgot to turn up the water heater when we got home last night and boy was it frigid this morning. Burr! I'm also grateful that I have been able to stick to my goal of posting things I'm grateful for each day. There are only 12 more official days to go, but it's a habit that I will keep up well past this challenge. It's easier to see the good when you actively look for it and easy to get bogged down by the "bad" when you don't. We have so much to be thankful for compared to so much of the rest of the world. May we all be a little more mindful of that each day.

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