
Friday, December 3, 2010

21 Days of Gratitude: Day 11

Today I'm grateful for my Wisconsin friends. We've been really busy for the past few months (or at least I have) with school and all of the other things going on so we haven't always had the time to get together with friends like we would like to. However, tonight we had a chance to get together and just hang out like we used to. I'm grateful that we had a relaxing night out with them. I'm also grateful that Christmas is just around the corner and that I will get to see my family again. I haven't been home in over a year and half so I'm grateful that I will get to be there this year. I'm also grateful that my formal schooling is coming to a close. I'm grateful that I only have to write two more papers before I graduate and that I've been on top of it enough to get the first one drafted. I'm grateful that we don't have any plans for tomorrow and that Spencer and I can just laze around the house and get things done.

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