
Thursday, December 16, 2010

The 100th Post

It is with great joy that I publish the 100th post to this blog. It's hard to believe that I've been able to keep it up this long. Less hard to believe when you consider the sizable lack of images I've included in my posts. :) At any rate, I thought I would just give a recap of where things stand right now.

I am finishing up my Master's degree next week. I'm still in the process of typing up my final paper, filling out forms, and jumping through other hoops, but come next Tuesday that will all be done. I can't decide if I'm relieved that I made it or sad that it's over. I'm definitely happy that I was able to get it done. So much of my life has revolved around school that sometimes it's hard to exist without it. However, this summer was blissfully free in the evenings so I had a lot more time to pursue hobbies, watch TV, exercise, and get together with friends. I'm looking forward to knitting more, going to the gym more regularly, not stressing about school deadlines, and having more time to focus on taking care of my house. I think Spencer's excited because it might mean that I will start cooking more. Please note the "might." It's still hard to work until 5 and then come home and make dinner. It really just sucks up all your time and energy.

Spencer is finishing up his last month of vacation. He's got a few interviews scheduled down the road and his rotations will start up again next month. From what he tells me though, they will be relatively easy. It's crazy to think that he only has 5 more moths of medical school. It seems like we were just starting not too long ago.

Perhaps the most exciting event in our future though is The Match on March 17th. 3 months exactly from today. I. can't. wait! I've got a lot of mixed feelings about what could happen. We might stay here another 4 years, or we might be moving. We might even be moving to a place I don't want to live in so much. Or we could be moving somewhere that I think I'll like, then hate. It's really up in the air. We have about 0% control over it (besides how we rank things) so it's incredibly frustrating. But I'm still excited to find out.

**Update: the inventory reduction sale is now posted on the page labeled "BeautiControl." Check it out for some great end-of-year discounts!

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