
Thursday, December 2, 2010

21 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 10

So I'm not sure if this is exactly kosher, but I fell asleep last night in an illness-induced coma before having a chance to publish this post. Thus, I am back dating this post to last night because blogger lets you do cool things like that.

I am grateful for sudafed. And ibuprofen. And tums. And all the other wonderful treatments that modern medicine has given us, even if they can't cure the common cold. I'm grateful for tissues, microwaves, and those bottles of lemon juice you can buy from the store. I'm grateful that my husband has made me dinner for the last couple of nights, gone grocery shopping, and generally let me veg in front of the TV after work because I feel so lousy. I'm grateful that I have about 8 pages of my final paper done, and that I only need about 2 more before I pretty it up and defend it. I'm grateful that I also only have to do one more paper by the 21st before I can officially be considered a "master" of bioethics, and I'm grateful that my employment at MCW means that with the exception of a few loans, my graduate education has almost totally been reimbursed by my employer. I'm also grateful that when my lender sent me a statement earlier this week, they told me that I won't have to start paying things back until March of next year. I'm also grateful for a job that lets me take sick time, though I am not taking advantage of it right now because I've taken so much vacation time recently that if I don't go to work, I won't get my projects done on time. And once again, I'm grateful for my comfortable bed.

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