
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hopelessly Devoted To....YARN

You might think it's crazy, but becoming a knitter has turned me into an obsessive freak that has the uncontrollable urge to own all the yarn or yarn related paraphernalia in a 50 mile radius...even though I already have more yarn than I could ever possible knit right now. (Seriously, I have a lot. I should put up pictures sometime. We're talking mammoth quantities of yarn here. And I still sometimes catch myself thinking, "I have nothing to knit!")

Heaven help my bank account if I ever step into a yarn shop (which I did last Thursday). About the only words I can utter once under a yarn shops magical spell are "ooh" and "aahhh" and "pretty! I want it!" And if I have a knitting friend with me, well, let's just say I'm a bad influence. For example, I say things like, "you can totally afford that," or "yes, but feel how soft it is," or even "you know you want it."

This applies to knitting books as well. Even though I already have more books than allotted knitting book space, I still have this irrational desire to buy more. And more. And more. And now this little beauty is coming out soon. It has so many things I want to knit. And wear. And love.

The only problem with knitting though is how long it takes. It's not like just going to store or shopping online or even sewing. Still, I love it.

So if (and I do mean if) you ever have the urge to send me presents, please consider yarn (no acrylic please) and knitting books. Food may be the way to a man's heart, but this girl's heart is pining for yarn.

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