
Monday, September 13, 2010

Sheep and Wool

This past weekend was the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival out near Madison. I had planned to go all day Saturday and even toyed with the idea of taking off work Friday and skipping church Sunday to be there, but settled on just one day to take in the wonders of wool, woolly critters, and wool-working workshops. Unfortunately, I caught the office cold that's going around and was only able to make it to the Saturday afternoon session. However, I had a good time attending my class on finishing knitted garments, petting the sheep, and shopping. In fact, it's official: I want my own sheep. The sheep I petted was especially affectionate and loved being scratched behind the ears. Sheep also are the creators of my second love: yarn. Ergo, I want a sheep. And the knowledge and skills on how to get from sheep to yarn. That way, the credit card bill won't look so fat after I visit a Wool Festival. Or yarn shop. Or the State Fair booth where they are selling yarn. Baaaaa.

PS: Meant to get a picture, but forgot to bring the camera. It was just that kind of day. Plus, I don't really take pictures.

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