
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pumpkins Already?

I have to admit, even though fall is my favorite season, I am not emotionally ready for it to be fall yet. I blame it on the fact that this year we never really had a spring and our summer seems to have lasted for-ev-er. But, a few days ago I noticed the leaves were changing color already and that my toes we cold and that my usually joyous trip on the scooter to church had left me shivering and seriously wishing for warmer layers.

Side note: Is it just me, or has this year both seemed to last forever and taken no time at all? A few months ago we were 3rd years and it was a hot, sticky summer. And then the farmer showed up in August with a pumpkin and we have somehow finished all but our last 5 weeks of rotations for the year 2010. Seriously, where did the time go and why won't it go any faster when I want it to??

But I digress...again, as usual. Despite fall being my favorite season and totally not being ready for it, I am enjoying with greater anticipation than years past the Christmas holiday. Perhaps it's because we will be visiting my folks this year or perhaps it's just because for the first time in a long time I've been playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving (but only on Sundays when the congregation is exiting because I don't think they are really listening to me and I want to see if anyone says something). But some how, despite that anticipation, despite the fact that I've broken out the needles and re-declared my love of all things woolly, and despite the fact that my coworker has turned the office into a veritable fall festival, I am still not ready for pumpkins, falling leaves, cool nights, and jackets--my most favorite of clothing accessories. At any rate, I guess (along with everyone else), it's finally time to say "Welcome, fall!"

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