Some of you may have noticed a decisive lack of blog-posting since I started my new position at MCW. For those of you with awesome powers of deductive reasoning, you may have guessed that there is a correlation between the two events. Indeed, dear reader, there is a link. My new jobs is keeping me super busy with longer hours, a different kind of work load, and a generally larger amount of responsibility. The great news, though, is that I'm still loving it perhaps because it's so new but more likely because it is a better fit with my skills, passion, and educational background. Oh, and I don't work with doctors any more--at least not directly :). So all in all, life is good, busy, and at times a little crazy.
So, while I know I haven't done the best job of keeping up with this blog and with the rest of my life, I do have high hopes for keeping up with it in the future. Some of the highlights from the last few weeks that I will be blogging about soon are: camping at Rock Island, WI, planting my version of a "garden," the car contemplation, reflections at the end of the semester, and the couch to 5k experiment.
Stay tuned and keep checking back regularly!
PS: If there is a particular topic that piqued anyone's interest, leave a comment and I will be sure to get working on that post ASAP. Until then, enjoy reading the archives as I'm sure you all do regularly ;p.
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