
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thoughts on Random Events

So about that plan to be active for 90 days straight...yeah, that's not happening right now. And I'm OK with it. Really, I am. I have been generally a little more active out here in Cali anyway. When we go out to do fun things it typically involves the great outdoors and I am working like crazy to get our place clean and everything put away. (Aside: Who knew that clean could be so time consuming and make you break a sweat? Not me. I guess I've been doing it wrong for all theses years). On to the point of this post.

I am a planner. I like to have a map and know exactly where I'm going in life. When I'm driving somewhere new, I always look up driving directions and pull out the GPS just to be safe. One of my main complaints about moving is that I don't instinctively know where everything is, which creates this sense of not knowing and uncertainty that I just don't like. Here's what being in a car accident last week reminded me of: you can only plan so much. Sure, it's great to have a plan, but it's even greater to just go with the flow sometimes.

We don't have as much control over our lives as we think we do. In one moment, someone you know or don't know can affect your life in unpredictable ways. In my case, last week's car crash was one of those events. I didn't know the guy, and I never would have thought I would have been hit when I was just sitting at a red light. While the outcome of the event was relatively minor (I was fine, the car is not but is being fixed), it still put such a huge kink in my plans that week that I haven't even fully recovered from it all. I was planning on doing so many things that I just didn't have time for because I had to deal with all of that and I had to get used to Spencer's crazy new schedule for the month. There's nothing I can really do about either. So, instead of stressing about it like I almost always do, I'm letting it go. If I make it to the gym today, great. If I go home and go out for frozen yogurt with my husband (who I never get to see because of his crazy residency schedule) instead, even better. Plans are meant to change. Life just wouldn't be interesting if they didn't.  You wouldn't want to read a book if you knew what was going to happen and predictable TV shows/movies are boring. So here's to life's random events and going with the flow!

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