
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why I don't talk politics.

Politics. Ick. Where do I begin?

It seems like each year the election campaign starts earlier and earlier. I think people start campaigning for the next election the day the last election is over--perhaps even before then! The losers want to make sure that that years winners don't win again and do everything in their power to stop it from happening. It doesn't matter which side it is, I think they are all equally bad. Every time there is a news story about the Democrats this and the Republicans that I silently sing in my head, "Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends..." Politicians are setting a bad example to us "ordinary" Americans. They don't cooperate, they don't do their job, they talk about each other behind each others' backs and drudge up dirt on their opponents just to make themselves look good. If I did any of that at my job, I'd get fired!

And don't get me started on the extreme groups! Those far left or far right groups that think they are right and everyone else is wrong--seems more like they have a screw loose to me. We talk a lot about tolerance and acceptance in this country yet it seems like the groups that get the most press really aren't all that tolerant toward others that have different opinions or ways of doing things. I sit somewhere squarely in the middle agreeing with some left points and some right points. I have yet to see a candidate for President in any of the elections that I could vote in that I A) actually liked and B) actually did what they said they were going to when they got into office. Is it too much to ask for a level headed candidate that can follow through to run?

So, if I don't want to talk politics with you it's not because I don't have opinions. It's because I just don't want to talk about the political mess that plagues this country.

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